About ACIO

Welcome to the Association for CIO Development Asia Pacific (ACIO). Explore how we're connecting the world of scholarship, practice, and education. The ACIO is the newly established preeminent professional association for IT management and organization educators, practitioners and scholars who are concerned with career path development of IT staff and management toward the higher level; like C-level officer, business innovative leadership, and even entrepreneurship, and are concerned with necessary path co-evolved IT capabilities and management literacy that are important to enable and/or accelerate full performance of IT people. Our worldwide members are professors and Ph.D. students in business schools at universities, academics in related IT management and executives’ education and other fields, and IT practitioners who value IT management knowledge creation and applications. Founded in 2015, our global community expects to grow substantially.


國際趨勢顯示資訊長(CIO)在企業經營成功中扮演重要的策略角色,其和執行長(CEO)之間的策略規劃關係良好與否常常決定整體企業價值是否彰顯。而維持良好之策略規劃關係,資訊長具備良好之素養為一關鍵。本會名稱「資訊長」涵蓋各類職銜之中高階資訊(IT)經理人、技術長(Chief Technology Officer), 創新長(Chief Innovation Officer)等。本會活動區域以台灣為主,其相關活動 (例如學術交流、實務分享等)可擴及或來自亞太地區之產業與學術機構之支援及合作。「資訊長素養」意旨能符合企業或執行長期待之資訊長所需具備之知識與技能。此素養不僅是技術領導,尚包含經營管理、組織變革以及管理思考涵養層面之創新,是一種第五級的領導統御,而非僅是第三級的專業領導層次。目前真正具備資訊長頭銜之高階IT經理人尚不多,其原因乃是企業重視IT的策略程度不同以及IT經理人仍被視為技術主管,其經營管理素養尚不足以取得公司信任參與企業重大經營決策。國內目前雖有學會或協進會提供資訊長平台可以齊聚分享經驗,可是僅止於技術層面或操作層面之實務分享,欠缺策略層面之有系統之活動規畫,用以推廣資訊長應有之商業知能及領導統御,以協助企業或執行長達成企業目標。


The Mission Statement

The ACIO is responsible for providing annual conferences, worldwide meetings, curricula and executive programs, speakers, and an active portfolio of professional publications and activities in CIO Leadership, Entrepreneurship, IT executives’ Education, IT Management, Service Innovations, Technological Innovations, and the CEO-CIO Relationship (updated 01/2016)


本會以推廣資訊長應有素養之學術研究與實務活動為宗旨。使命如下: (1)強化國際觀並提升IT管理成熟度及投資績效表現之管理能力;(2)培養具備前瞻性IT投資專案有形及無形效益之評估及規劃執行能力;(3)提升與CEO之溝通技巧與能力,凝聚兩者合作夥伴關係;(4)強化資訊經理人之IT策略應用能力(如何配適企業願景及IT目標)及減低企業與IT期望落差,並提升其對前瞻性IT投資專案的決策能力。


The Strategic Goals

  • Promote ACIO as a global leader for excellence in IT management research, practice, and education.
  • Lead and promote excellence in IT executives’ education.
  • Lead and promote excellence in Entrepreneurship, service innovations, technological innovations scholarship and practice.
  • Cultivate a community by providing services and products to meet the diverse needs of members and related communities.

